AWAKENING Mind + Wellness

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How to Date a Modern Day Priestess

There is so much healing going on the planet right now. Much of it has been related to healing the heart and opening up back to the idea of love and intimacy again. Often this signals a time for the need to work on relationships, think about marriage and approach the topic of sex after a long period of healing.

To no fault of their own, the conscious dating and sacred sexuality communities have made it difficult for the modern day person who is drawn to someone who has activated their priestess memories or may even be practicing their priestess/yogini lifestyle to learn. In our ancient temples and old ways of being in the world, it was she who carried the wisdom and the knowledge and it was he who sought out help. Many of us will remember the times when we served along side a spiritual partner and remembering and healing these traumas is an antidote to sexual repression and can lead to a womb awakening as well.

Dating a modern day priestiess or yogi/yogini is not like it was twenty years ago. This person has had trauma literally ripped out of their body, has become more sensitive over time and is seeking inner peace. Her wisdom, however, knows that dating will now become a divine rite of passage for someone who may not be fully awakened. I understand well that process as it was on the social dance floor where much of what became part of my healing journey was activated.

But what happens when people don’t want to learn to social dance or come from more traditional cultures?

We go back and answer your questions about sexual innuendos….

Lingerie shopping. Our world has lost its ability to talk about sex and intimacy in a healthy way. Many people, men in particular, find it difficult and challenging to even walk into a lingerie store and enjoy the process of shopping. If the gift is for someone you are newly seeing, asking for their size and preferences is helpful but so is making sure the conversation is comfortable. Too many people, especially women, have not yet done enough trauma work to enjoy a conversation about luxury underwear right now. But if the modern day priestess or yogini can remember that it is in their power and rite to change the energy of the communication - the interaction can clear a lot of miscommunication up front about personal preferences. How does one surrender and do that? BE OPEN TO RECEIVING and unapologetic if the offering is not of high enough value but do not get bossy, dictatorial or mean in your response. There is no need for judgment, hostility or a lecture. Those are signs that you need to heal. It is an opportunity to teach and a priestess, yogini or spiritual person will use humor over criticism to move humanity forward.

What can one teach with the simple offer of lingerie? A discussion of whether you like the feel of certain fabrics. A discussion on visual preferences and color. A discussion that turns into modern day poetry and a longing to not just unwrap the gift but to unwrap something more between you. If handled correctly, a botched offering lacking in social graces can be an opportunity to uplevel your status with a potential suitor - if that is what you choose to do. You have all the power to transform the interaction into anything you wish.

But far too often we shut it down. All I can say is that there is always a need for us to master these more difficult, sexually oriented conversations to ascend. Try to use your higher wisdom to stay open and not to judge. Look at why it makes you uncomfortable and be honest about cultural norms. Is it time for change? Is there a trauma coming up for healing? Or do you have undiscovered aspects of yourself that you have not been honest with. Most of us run from the dark feminine energy but she is who does the true healing.

If you are the one buying the gift, there is only one word you need to concern yourself with - QUALITY. If you invest in lingerie as an art form without any expectation - your gift denotes a higher level seriousness and will come with an energy that can be healing for all parties involved. If it comes with a story - even better as it also became RELATIONAL. A moment in time that everyone will remember.

At the end of the day, do not buy lingerie just because you want to have sex with someone. Buy lingerie to start the beginnings of a romance that transcends time and brings a mindful view of life’s simple pleasures. Be open, however, to whether she values these offerings in general and respect her personal values.

And if you are receiving the gift, receive it in a way that makes you feel in alignment with who you are and honors and respects the connection with the other person. If the gift is not appropriate (e.g. from a client or a colleague) simply return it without opening it and say, “thank you.” Nothing else is needed or warranted but a simple no. But be open that if there is anything other than a ping of joy, there may be deeper work asking you to be honest with what it is you really desire most…