The Divine Feminine and the Light

Happy Easter everyone. We are half way through an intense eclipse portal and I was urged to record a really beautiful healing I had today. There has been so much healing that was necessary through my mother’s lineage regarding the healing of feminine energies. That journey took me to Turkey where I started to learn and be incubated into an an energy that help clear my womb. So much learning to facilitate the healing work in the last few years.

But today, I was taken back to a healer who I knew was more deeply connected to my father’s lineage - who I have learned has deep ties to spirituality since my very first incarnation and has been a shaman (along with another family member). This woman is a Mexican cuadera with a similar life background to my education and travel experiences who is open that she did not find her spiritual home until she followed her father’s ancesteral lineage back to Mexico. I last worked with her in 2020 which is when the switch to heal my mother’s lineage of Christianity happened. I was urged to listen to a podcast from the beautiful healer that was recorded in July 2020 and I was transported back in time before the work that was obviously needed commenced. Her words resonated with me more than ever and I was called back to a Mayan healing music and meditation - something I had researched in the past due to my connection to the planet Venus and feminine work I had done through my mother’s lineage.

You know you are on another healing journey when the things that you need show up without it being hard. Earlier in the day I was working on a new course when an academic article about Mary Magdalene as a Sacred Sexual Priestess emerged. Then I find this meditation and a beautiful soul healing was completed. There was a big energy purge, tears and a lot of clarity that emerged.

“The Divine Feminine and the Light,” were the words that came to me as I held both of my parent’s hands in this life time - representing the healing of old wounds in a broken family were now healed. I was the bridge, the conduit for holding the space and the energy of a new template of family to emerge into the cosmos. But what was even more beautiful was the vision of them walking me hand in hand toward my future husband telling me that it was time to take everything I had learned and to create in the material world from the place where my heart had been broken from the start. A world that will respect and honor the light and the divine feminine in all cultures and where she will not be disappointed by the masculine in the form of a male body.

Tears are still streaming down my face as I recount this spontaneous healing and profound relief that the divisions and separations that I experienced my entire life between my families, between religions and spiritual beliefs (or lack thereof), between the light and dark and between the spiritual world and the material world have dissolved back into union. Perfectly in alignment with the meaning of resurrection on Easter Sunday.

Earlier in the day, I was writing in a hotel lobby when an American man kept talking about his phone and his acupuncture practice. At first I was intrigued but the energy felt off. Then my the batteries on all technology died and I felt exhausted.  I am glad I followed my instincts and returned to where I was staying - a very humble place with a large number of men from Europe and the middle east roaming around. I know it is no mistake that this moment happened in this environment (also not far from Kensington Palace) - the light, the well, and the memories of the divine feminine spiritual journey transpiring in a little nook or cocoon of safety.

What will be created I do not know yet. But the important message that is relevant to my generation of Americans is this: You are here to be a bridge between your sides of the family, to heal what needs to be healed and to then begin to rebuild a world that is so desperately in need of love and support. This bridge, until now, was your physical body as you - on your own - worked on your journey of liberation. But the future is more relational and that bridge will become ancesteral as is in accordance with the divine feminine principal of community and cooperation. All divisions will need to be healed and we signed up to help humanity do that work.

So be the bridge wherever you are and welcome the connection between the light and the divine feminine in all parts of the world as a demonstration for the completion of the healing of our father wounds and making way to healing our mother wounds on the material plane. Creating, building and thriving are the directions for the future. 


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